6月27日,大连船柴对外发布了《无代理声明》,全文如下: 无代理声明
尊敬的客户:您好! 由于目前国内外船用主机备件市场商户林立,中间商数量众多,难免有鱼目混珠现象。做为主机生产商,为了能更好的服务于广大客户,确保客户能够使用到高品质、低价位的主机备件及相关服务,大连船用柴油机有限公司(以下简称:DMD)特此声明: 1、截止于2015年12月,DMD在全球所有区域授权备件销售代理商授权均已失效。 2、目前,DMD没有任何授权备件销售代理商。 3、如有备件需求,请发邮件至DMD官方销售窗口: 1)葛亮,销售经理,邮箱:geliang@dmd.com.cn 2)周善宾,销售经理,邮箱:zhoushanbin@dmd.com.cn 3)公共邮箱:spare_dmd@163.com 我们会提供最优惠的价格和最高品质的产品及服务。 另外,为了满足不同区域客户对备件供货时效的需求,DMD计划于2017年1月起,重新启动官方授权工作。新增授权后,将以正式通知形式,告知广大客户。 特此以上声明。 大连船用柴油机有限公司 2016年6月27日
NO-Agent Declaration Dear Customers, For the purpose of serving our customers better in after-sale market, providing high-quality spare parts with reasonable good price, Dalian Marine Diesel Co., Ltd( hereinafter to be referred as DMD)hereby declare that: 1. For all authorizations DMD granted to be the spare parts agents for the worldwide have been expired by end of Dec. 2015. 2. For the year of 2016, DMD neither has any spare parts agent, nor issuing any authorization to any companies or persons. 3. For any needs of spare parts, please kindly contact DMD with the below Department directly at any time. DMD will offer you with reliable & qualified goods and services at best price. Business Department of DMD 1) Mr. Geliang (Project Manager) Email: geliang@dmd.com.cn 2) Mr. Zhou Shanbin(Project Manager) Email: zhoushanbin@dmd.com.cn 3) Public Email: spare_dmd@163.com For the future spare parts business, DMD may re-issue the sales authorization letter to some agents in order meet the demand of customers from various regions. We will send you official notification once the new authorization to granted. Your kind attention to this declaration would be highly appreciated. DMD is ready for any inquires and services from you at any time. Dalian Marine Diesel Co., Ltd. June 27, 2016 |