顺天自创建以来,坚持“质量为根、诚信为本”的经营理念,不断研制开发空气压缩机新品,按照ISO9001:2000标准建立公司质量管理体系,根据德国绍尔父子公司及日本田边制作所优化设计。 公司积累了丰富的船舶产品开发技术和专业生产经验,拥有各类生产设备检测设备多台,形成了年产3万台空气压缩机的生产能力以及船舶机械专业生产能力。
顺天产品自成系列,规格齐全,品质优良,可满足不同客户的需求及不同场合的需要,同时还具有对非标产品的 开发和生产能力,以满足客户对特殊场合用产品的特殊要求。
Jiangyan Shuntian Air Compressor Manufacturing Co., Ltd(Jiangyan Tianshun Air Compressor Factory). marine production is low, middle, high pressure air compressor - based manufacturers.
The unit products are widely used in national defense, shipbuilding, machinery, petroleum, chemicals, water, electricity, railways, construction, installation and scientific research departments, but also exported to Asia, Africa and other countries, domestic and foreign customers have the trust and support.